Specialists in Voice and Data Communications
CornerStone Communications is your premier solution provider of voice, video, and data communications. Our number one focus has and always will be on our long-term customer relationships. Our goal is to optimize our customer’s existing network investments and refine designs for the greatest uptime and performance. We carefully choose products and services from our partners that meet the highest standards for availability and maximized uptime.
We are living in an era that allows us to build and design fully redundant diverse networks at a cost similar to the single low speed designs a decade ago. For the first time in history, we can deliver near equivalent performance to the remote users as we do to our corporate users. Our core values are to guide our customers through the many industry pitfalls and contractual obligations in today’s networks and free them to build network strategies that can grow with their business.
CornerStone was founded by Leon Smith in 1998. His vision was to leverage his knowledge of Enterprise networking and extend those concepts to the SMB marketplace by combining the best in class hardware and carrier services together and maximize efficiencies for our customers.